Friday, July 08, 2005

The end justifies the means!????

Everyday for the past weeks, watching the TV can be very frustrating. Why? It is not that the shows on TV has become crappy, as they have been crappy most of the time all these while. It is the NKF Cancer donation drive advertisements that keep flashing every few minutes that irritate me. Well, I can ignore them, but I just can't stand them.

OK, the advertisements are there for a purpose, to attract people to donate generously to the NKF Cancer Fund. It sounds like a noble cause. Then what am I not very happy about?

1. NKF = National Kidney Foundation. What are they trying to do by first setting up a Children's Fund, and now another Cancer Fund? Are we going to expect a Heart or Liver Fund next year? Give other charitable organisations a chance.

2. I've heard from unknown sources that NKF has $200,000,000 in their reserves? Is this true? Why are they still asking for funds then? By doing so, they deprive other charitable organisations from raising as much money since a large portion of the people's donation would have been solicited by NKF. Perhaps there have a lot of kidney and cancer patients under their scheme, and it is possible that they do not have such a high reserves as "rumoured". We also know NKF is involved in many other projects including overseas ventures. It is also possible that the NKF top management are highly paid. I think they have 14 board members. Are they paid millions every year too? No one will know, as such information is not publicly available. NKF CLAIMS to be transparent and has consistently shown fiscal, process and programme accountability in all areas of their operations. They have engaged an internal audit firm to conduct internal and external audits. They also have an audit committee and finance committee. But have anyone of you seen any report so far? Charitable organisations are not required to set up any audit committees, but if they claim to be so transparent, why not show Singapore the reports? The problem is that in Singapore, we will never know what's really going on behind the scene, as we are expected to believe and accept what these people at high places tell us.

3. OK. Lets assume they really need to raise more money, for children, kidney or cancer patients. Fine, raise all the funds you want. I am sure there are many Singaporeans who are very willing to help. But I don't like the idea that for each phone call/SMS you made, you pay $5.80. Here's the catch. On top of $5,80, you pay another 21 cents for adminstrative fee inclusive of GST! I presume these 21 cents go into filling up the telephone operators' pockets. For the rest of the money that reaches NKF, I believe only a certain amount of money goes into helping the patients. In the whole process, a large % of the donation actually goes into feeling up someone else's pockets! Oh yes, GST is included in the administrative fee too. Then when the telephone bill comes, are we conveniently charged GST again???? I would rather that they provide other alternatives for people to donate (they have but it is not as lucrative as telepoll) and make sure that a large % (if not all) of the money actually goes into helping the patients and not others! Don't do things simply out of convenience and greed(???)!

4. The donation drive entices people with great prizes to win. Yes, you can say that the prizes are sponsored by well wishers/companies and do not cost NKF any cent. But please do not tell me that NKF does not spend a single cent in promoting and conducting the donation drive. How much did they spend to bring in the foreign celebrities? How much did they pay Mediacorp for airtime, the participation of their artistes and all the advertisements! Don't tell me it is all free. I am sure all these cost NKF a bomb! Is it fair for me to say that Mediacorps, Singtel, M1 and Starhub and not sure who else, earned tonnes of money from greedy Singaporeans? Perhaps Singaporeans asked for it.

5. The end justifies the means. This is exactly what is happening here. Greedy Singaporeans are tempted into donating due to the enticement of the prizes. If everyone truly donates from their hearts and do not care about the prizes, then I will kow-tow to them and apologise. If we donate only because we hope to win something, then I must say that this is the best lottery operations ever launched in Singapore, and mind you, these kind of events happen about 6 times a year (or more? I have lost count)! What a sorry state we are in.

This issue has been raised since 1994 when NKF first started this novel way of fundraising by using telepoll technology. They are very proud of this. Many people have voiced their opinions but lame excuses have been used to shut people up.

This truly reminds me of another story - "Where is the money?"


1. I "heard" some parents complaining that their children "donated" without consulting the parents. The parents called in to request for a refund. The answer is obviously "NO WAY". I am not surprised a single bit. With the numbers flashing across the TV screen a hundred times a day, I believe even my neighbour's irritating cat would have dialled the numbers!

2. From the grapevine, NKF solicits money from other organisations like temples and like, asking for huge amounts.

3. Apparently NKF issues out donation cards to school children too.


Piggydives said...

who needs a IR or Casino when you have NKF "charity" Shows?

Anonymous said...

Of course, we need the IR cum Casino! Greed is insatiable, is it not?

Personally, I have been irritated by the numerous phone-calls from NKF throughout the year, asking for more donations. Flyers and magazines from NKF also frequently found their way into my letterbox.

And as we approached the dates of the Charity Shows, emails from '' and '', urging me 'to tune in to the Show at 7.30pm on MediaCorp TV Channel U, and continue to show your support by calling 1900 112 6868 / 6833 / 6855 / 6888 or *SEND or SMS', also popped into my email-box! I received sms that goes 'Last Chance 2 win $250k CASH + Car @NKF Cancer Show on Sunday AND HALF A MILLION DOLLARS! Reply LUCKY now wif $5.80 to NKF Cancer Fund.' Aren't these ridiculous?!

Why is NKF spending all this money printing flyers, magazines, advertisement, all these fan-fare etc. instead of using it to help the needy? And what % of the amount we donated actually goes into helping the poor and needy? Why are we not shown the breakdown of how the money donated is being spent or distributed?

Why are we still giving so much to charities that already have a FAT RESERVE, when there are numerous charities out there, which are also doing their part to help the less fortunate in Singapore, have hardly enough to make ends meet? Why such an imbalanced distribution of funds donated?

We should be more discerning when giving donations. It does not meant that those who 'CRY the LOUDEST' need the most, ever considered those charities, which also reach out to the destitutes and those forsaken and forgotten by society, are so lacking in funds that they are unable to 'cry at all', having no money to print any flyers, no manpower to make phone-calls to ask for donations? Can we be more proactive in seeking these organisations out, which are not supported by any govt bodies, charities whereby we know that most, if not all of our donations truly goes to helping the needy? We want to be sure our money goes to the right people and places, don't we? That why we donate in the first place, isn't it?