Thursday, July 28, 2005

5 wolves and 1 sheep

HA. I must be in a "great" mood today.

I just happened to read about a guy called Larry Flynt (presumably a writer of some sort) who commented that "Majority rule only works if you're also considering individual rights. Because you can't have five wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for supper."

I thought about what he said and agree with him to some extent. It is true that the five wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for supper would certainly produce a very biased outcome. But there are a few other possible scenarios I can think of that may be applicable to all of us:

1. 5 wolves and 1 sheep

The sheep could have been brought up by the wolves to think that wolves are nice buddies to have. So the sheep, when voting and following the majority, may not even know that the wolves will eat him up one day.

2. 5 wolves and 1000 sheep

The wolves in this case are outnumbered but the sheep could have been brought up to think that wolves are their leaders, and are stronger and smarter and fiercer and deserve to eat sheep. So these one thousand sheep will "happily" send themselves to the wolves' platters day after day, after all, enough sheep would be born to replace the slaughtered ones.

3. 5 wolves, 995 sheep and 5 smart sheep

The wolves are again outnumbered but as in para 2 above, the 995 sheep have been brought up to think that way and will continue to support the wolves, even though there are 5 smart sheep out there telling them it is not the best thing to do. The wolves will from time to time instil more fear in the 1000 sheep by maiming one of the 5 smart sheep, expelling another smart sheep to Timbuktu to live with the jackals, or put the sheep in a enclosed pen with little food and much torture. This should keep the 1000 sheep at bay.

4. 5 wolves, 900 sheep and 100 smart sheep

Even though para 3 has been prevailing, there arrived a time when more sheep became smarter and the percentage of smarter sheep grow to a more significant number. The wolves are now a little worried, but will continue to use the same tactics to tame the sheep, to some success. Some maimed sheep managed to recover and continue to try influencing the rest of the sheep, to some success too.

5. 5 wolves, 500 sheep and 500 smart sheep

Looks like this scenario will have to take a long time to take effect. With 500 smart sheep and only 5 wolves, the wolves should be shivering in their pants. For sure these wolves would have been trying very hard to prevent the number of smart sheep from growing, but due to the peserverance of the first 5 smart sheep, the number will grow eventually and surely. With odds of 100 to 1, I am sure the smart sheep will be able to trample on the wolves and establish a new sheep farm.

6. 5 wolves and 1 sheep

Eh, why back to one sheep? Oh, it could have been the single sheep is a wolf in sheep's clothing, so there are actually 6 wolves all these while. So what's for supper? I am not too sure.

7. 5 wolves and 1 sheep

Eh, again? Oh, it could have been 5 sheep in wolves clothing and so that makes 6 sheep. Worst still, sheep exploiting own sheep! *Sigh*

8. 5 wolves and 1 sheep

And again? Oh, it could have been 5 sheep in wolves clothing and a wolf in sheep's clothing. 5 sheep against one wolf? A little tough, but then there is no such thing as 5 sheep and 1 wolf???!!! HAHAHA.

Hey, other than laughing, do ponder over this issue. Are you a wolf or a sheep? Are you a smart sheep or a willing sheep waiting to be slaughtered? Or are you a wolf in sheep's clothing and vice versa? Ponder Ponder.

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