Monday, July 11, 2005

KK Training Sessions (Part III)

The weekend was mainly occupied with training for my Mount KK trip. The usual gang of 6 met up at Bukit Timah Hill on both days at about 3 pm. On Saturday, as we were stepping up our training tempo, some of us did part of the usual track twice in order to get more training on the distance, slopes and stairs while some others concentrated on the stairs to build up the leg muscles. It was strenous but we made it to the summit where we rewarded ourselves with canned pineapple.

On Sunday we decided to do a circuit instead. We started from the visitor centre, following the main road almost up to the summit, then up the Summit Path (134 steps) to reach the summit, down the main road a short distance and go down the Rengas Path (156 steps) and up again, down the main road another short distance and go down the Jungle Fall Path (184 steps) and up again, down the main road another short distance before going up to the summit via the Summit Path again. *Pant* *Pant* That was Circuit Round No 1. We were thinking of doing 4 rounds but could not due to the sudden downpour that left us stuck on the summit. We waited for at least half an hour for the rain to stop but it only dwindled to a drizzle for a while and then picked up again.

We did not want to continue shivering up at the summit as the wind was very strong and decided to descend in the rain. We were totally drenched by the time we reached the visitor centre. We rested, tried to dry ourselves and again rewarded ourselves for getting drenched with canned rambutans with pineapple and longans, with lots of ice. Yummy & chilly!

I believe all of us are getting fitter by the day. 3 more weekends before the trip! Counting down.

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