Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Countdown to Mount KK Conquest

My Mount KK trip is coming up soon, 10 more days to be exact! There is a little apprehension in the air as I am feeling physically tired from work, night class and all the physical training. We spent some hours on Sunday morning on Bukit Timah hill in the rain and ended up soaking wet by the time we reached the visitor centre. But I am sure these series of training would do all of us good when we finally trek Mount KK. According to reports and from those who have conquered the mountain before, Mount KK is more easily conquerable as compared to Mount Ophir. We only have to worry more of the altitude and the temperature. It was just confirmed that we would not have heater in our lodging while up on the mountain. So sleeping bags will be one of our must-bring items.

We might not continue with any serious trainings just before the trip. I would prefer to have some light exercises just to keep the body going and to allow our muscles to rest a little before the trip. I am sure all the 6 of us are already physically fit enough but hopefully everyone is mentally and emotionally prepared as well.

To me, each mountain conquest is like little achievements in our lives. The whole process of planning, training and actually conquering the mountain is something that is so applicable in our daily life. We set a target for ourselves to climb a certain mountain. We gather friends to join in. We train and sweat it out together. The training process can be tough and bitter. Many a times we may want to give it up and ask ourselves "Why am I going through this nonsense?" But each time when we overcome that thought it is already a small part of the final victory. We persevere and we push on. When the actual day comes to trek up the actual mountain, this is when we are put to the test. We would have trained up physically and so that should not be too much an issue. But it is when the track uphill gets taunting with our muscles aching and bones breaking, that's when our determination and perseverance are put to the ultimate test. In fact for most cases, whether we make it to the summit or not depends a lot more on our determination and not physical fitness. Fitness plays an important role but I believe determination is the main driving force that will keep us going. This is the same as in our lives.

So to my KK-chiongers, lets compose ourselves for the next 10 days and prepare ourselves mentally to conquer this highest mountain of South East Asia. Thousands of people have done it before and I am sure our names can be added to the conquest list. I believe we will have a great time. When I composed this short poem, I was imagining myself on the summit, hands high up in the air and with spirits lifted up high, thanking God for this great achievement in life.

We came, we saw, we conquered
The mountain of such grandeur
With spirits lifted up high
Oh....a great achievement in life

So I am looking forward for all of us to experience this spirit of triumph on the summit together. Afterall the poem is going to be on our chest. HA. Mount KK awaits.......

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