Thursday, July 28, 2005

Did you milk a cow recently?

Imagine you have many cows that produce milk daily. Each day you milk all the cows and earn some money from the milk. Then with the money earned you buy more cows so that you can milk more cows and earn more money. So after a while you have a lot of cows that earn you lots of money from the milk you milk the cows of. Soon some cows grow old and they no longer produce as much milk. Also you ended up with too many cows to milk. So instead of wasting your time to milk these old cows on your own and milk so many other cows, you decided to get someone else to milk the cows for you, in return for some money.

Unfortunately, the someone that milks the cows is not an animal lover (not that you are a animal lover too), and he probably hates teats too (how about you?). So he milked the cow day-in-day-out until the teats of the old cows dried out, and worse still, some of them die from manhandling. you regret letting that someone milk the cow, or do you say "Well, it is ok lah, since the cows are going to die anyway.....afterall they are just cows......and I still earn some money" Ponder Ponder.

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