Monday, August 01, 2005

Stick Figures!

Last weekend was the final weekend just before our KK Trip. However, I did not involve myself in any training at all as I was engaged with work and night classes. I guess it would be a nice break for the body just before the actual trek.

While working on something to encourage ourselves for the trip, a few of us got together and started to have fun drawing and painting some stick figures. Here are some of the masterpieces that resulted from the fun sessions. I won't tell you who these stick figures are. You would have to guess :)

The cool one!

A ladybird? Wonder who this represents?

The playful one?

The mischievous and energetic one?

Sleeping Beauty?

Kawai? Cute Cute one?

The sweet and demure?

Whoever we are, we had a lot of fun!

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