Monday, June 20, 2005

Kicking Start Mount KK Training

My trip to Mount Kota Kinabalu (KK) has been confirmed for some time already. A few of the team members were having exams right up to the middle of Jun and so collective training could not really start. To delay things further, 2 other team members (including me) have been down with flu and other medical problems and have not fully recovered. But we only have about 6 weeks left before we embark on our conquest. We had 6 weeks to train for our Mount Ophir trip, and that was more or less sufficient. Mount KK is quite different from Mount Ophir. Although it seems to be an easier trek, the overall distance is much longer, and the mountain is at least 3.5 times higher. The air up at Mount KK will be thinner and it may cause breathing problems for some, although most people have made it without major problems so far. But no matter what, the team members have to tune up our bodies and condition ourselves for the challenge.

A few decided to kick start the training at Bukit Timah Hill yesterday morning. We originally planned to join the Singapore Adventurers Club to do a trek from Jalan Kayu to Yio Chu Kang, but decided against it because it was starting a little too early and most of us needed more rest. Arriving at Bukit Timah Hill at almost 10 am, we proceeded on our regular trekking route which we took while training for the Ophir trip. For me, I felt that my body was telling me I was still not very up to it as I have not fully recovered. One other member was feeling the same way too. We agreed to go on a slow pace and treat the session as a warm-up instead. Half way, we split into two groups with two of them proceeding directly to the summit through "short cuts" while the rest of us proceeded on the usual paths. We arrived at the summit more than an hour later, feeling a little tired.

Well, as it is, I feel that it is not a very good sign for us. Our minds are still not very set to condition our bodies. But we know we've got to do it or we would not enjoy the trek up Mount KK. We agreed to get officially started next weekend, with a plan for rigourous short trainings on Saturday and longer trek trainings on Sundays. So my weekends would be occupied with trainings and occasional classes for the next 6 weeks. It feels good to be fit, so I am not complaining about the training. I want to keep myself fit at least for the next 10 to 20 years so that I can conquer more mountains and enjoy more physical activities. I already have Nepal and Mount Kilimanjaro on my "To conquer" list, and hope to fulfil them within the next 3 years or so. Meanwhile, Mount KK awaits us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya, I agree with you, it is certainly not a good idea to be panting all the way up the summit, and not having the excess energy to enjoy the scenery while doing the climb. The pleasure of doing this trek will definitely diminish if we are not fit.

I felt slightly tired and my muscles started aching after yesterday's training, so I know that personally I need to buck up on building up my stamina and leg power. I guess all of us need to buck up. It is very much a mindset thing, and we need to be determined and disciplined enough to make the best use of the remaining 6 weeks we have. It can be done, when we truly set our hearts and minds to do it. All the way, everyone! :)