Monday, June 13, 2005

Visit to the doctor

HA. Finally went to see the doctor today. I have been feeling unwell since last week and all the self medication of panadol and cold pills have not really worked. I still went to the office this morning as I was expecting an overseas distributor to come to the office for a meeting. The meeting ended at 12 plus and I quickly left the office for the central to my regular clinic. I could not find a parking lot and finally had to park illegally. By then the time was 1 pm and the clinic was closed! I decided to try the other clinic near my house. It was closed too, and would only open at 2 pm. I went to the coffee shop for a quick lunch and waited for the clinic to open.

The session with the doctor was normal. He asked me all the typical questions related to my condition. Then he asked me: "You still staying near here?" "You married?" "How long?" "Got kids?" "Working as what?" "Ever thought of working overseas?" HA, a medical consultation has turned out to be an interview? HA. He went on to say that I should save for my old age, especially for medical fees, as the medical costs in Singapore is very high compared to other countries. He wondered why the same medicine in Singapore costs so much more than in Malaysia. A good question indeed? Perhaps the difference in costs reflect the different cost of living between the two countries.

One of my friends told me he would like to retire in the outskirts of KL, quoting that cost of living there would be relatively lower, and yet they could be near to the buzz of city life in the capital. Hey, I just checked out the CPF website a few days ago and thought I read that you would only be able to withdraw all your CPF if you are no longer staying in Singapore or West Malaysia! But that's another issue altogether. I better tell my friend about it. HA.

So even a visit to the doctor can be an interesting experience. Besides getting my medical condition diagnosed, you can also go through an interview and get a little insight into medical costs? So the next time you visit your doctor, see if it was as interesting as mine. HA

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