Thursday, June 23, 2005

Why be bound by convention?

Some years ago when I was doing a part-time diploma I had a lecturer (I will call him V) who taught us Organisational Behaviour. V was an experienced lecturer who had been at it for more than 20+ years. He was friendly, jovial and did not have a barrier with students. He was not the conventional serious lecturer that you will usually meet. Instead he was always cracking jokes and doing "silly things" just to put his point across, and he did a good job at it. But I remember "ignoring" his jokes and maintained a stern face with my arms folded throughout all his classes. He told me at the end of the course that indeed I was his greatest challenge so far. HA.

After the exams was over, I communicated with V through emails forwarding jokes and funny videos plus other academic exchanges. In one of those emails, V said he found it heartening and encouraging to see me being kind and generous in supporting and assisting my classmates who have been less fortunate in their exams. I remember telling him that while I was willing to help my classmates, my "over-willingness-to-help" brought misunderstandings, uncalled for remarks and even minor disputes, making the process a little disheartening and discouraging. But I added that I will do it to the best of my ability.

V told me subsequently that as a lecturer, he has also wondered if he had extended the boundary of the role. But then he said: "Why be bound by convention?" So he started to define the role more and more his own way, and tried to be a refreshing and timely influence upon the lives of others in whatever way he could. He continued to say that we will always be misunderstood no matter what we do. The more we try to justify ourselves and our actions, the more we will be misunderstood further. And he told me to persevere, and quoted the great role model in Jesus, saying who could have been more misunderstood in His own time? But yet Jesus forgave them for they knew not what they were doing.

Many people come and go in our lives. I have not communicated with V for some time. I wonder how he is doing. I should get in touch with him again. So if you want to do something and you worry that you might be misunderstood. Yet, you know it is something good that you are doing, perhaps just go ahead and do it. Why be bound by convention? Ponder ponder.........


Anonymous said...

Hey! A very meaningful and inspiring post indeed! I guess some of us would be able to identify with what you have written, one way or another, perhaps in varying degree. It will be especially so if you have ever attempted to break out of a certain mould, the norm, certain traditions and practices that tend to be very binding in nature. Conversely, if you cannot identify with what is being written, perhaps you have already been institutionalized without even knowing? Ponder.. ponder...

Hmm.. is it worth it to do things that please everybody or even the majority, esp. when it is done at the expense of your conscience and the things you believe in and stand up for? Not forgetting that human opinions sway easily, often influenced by what is popular, for selfish reasons(although usually cleverly concealed) or for self-preservation... What is the price we pay to be popular and accepted by others? Is it worth it? Is it enduring?

Good to hear that there are people out there who refused to be bound by convention.. who refused to play safe all the time... Else, how can society progress and improve? It definitely takes courage and conviction to do that. And for those of you who do it for a worthy cause, 10 cheers for you! Hip-hip-hooray(x10)!

crazyjarjar said...

Sometimes it is not a matter of "worth it or not". Many a times in life we can choose to be different and not bound by convention, but where does that lead us to? Is it expedient? Perhaps, conforming sometimes to convention and be accepted by others is necessary. We live in a world where all kinds of people exist and imagine everyone not being bound by convention all the time? As long as we are not causing harm to ourselves, I would think it is fine. So do it in moderation.