Friday, June 24, 2005

What's so great about Blogging? (Part II)

I have been blogging for over a month now. When I first started out on Friday the 13th of May, I asked "What's so great about blogging?" After 42 days, I ask myself this question again. HA. My answer is kind of different now. I am enjoying it!

All these while I have always loved to write and express myself. A lot of my friends "complained" that I write too much sometimes. In the DiveTrek website that I am helping to maintain, I would usually without fail write a report of a diving or trekking trip that we have just gone for. My report tends to be very detailed and long, and sometimes considered boring by some. These are those who do not enjoy reading or writing. Regardless, how else can we remember a trip, other than pictures and written descriptions by those who bother to pen the details down.

It is similar with blogging but this is my own blog, so in a way I can write anything I want (hmmm....minus those that are of lawsuit potential). Blogging allows me to express myself and share my thoughts into many different aspects of my life with those who bother to read my posts. I do not need to blog everyday, but whenever I have something in my mind that I think is worth sharing, I will blog it. It is also a good place to share some of the nice photos that I have taken through the years.

I believe blogging will stay, and I hope do do it as long as I can. Do you blog too?

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