Thursday, June 02, 2005

Executive MBA

News reported that the University of Nevada Las Vegas will set up its Asian campus in Singapore by next September! Wow. UNLV says that from September 2006, it expects to take in 200 students for its two-year undergraduate programme. It will enrol another 50 for the executive MBA programme.

Apparently the Dean said "The courses that they take have a lot of finance, quantitative analysis, human resources management, marketing, etc. They get a wonderful broad-based degree." And while there's a gaming component in the programme, those who want a career as a croupier should look elsewhere. A casino laboratory will be part of the campus - but the focus will be strictly on management.

I think I better prepare myself to be one of the first 50 students to enrol for the executive MBA programme. More good years for Singapore!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Executive MBA" huh? A designer term for a new generation of 'Du-shengs(gambling kings) & Du-hous (gambling queens)'?
Maybe the TV station should also start screening films such as 'Du-sheng', 'Du-Xia', starring Chow Ren Fatt & Stephen Chow? Or 'Shuang-tian-zhi-juen' starring Zoe Tay & Li Nan Xing since the nation seems to be in a frenzy promoting and cultivating this new hobby of gambling?