Friday, May 27, 2005

Where would you like to go?

I was just asking some friends this question "If you are not limited by time or money, which country or place would you like to visit?"

For me it is actually very difficult to pinpoint exactly where I would like to go because given a choice with no money and time limitation, I want to see the whole world including all the nooks and crannies of each place. HA. But guess I have to be a little more realistic here.

I have been to a few places in Europe before, so I would like to visit the other European countries. I planned a trip to Scandinavia 8 years ago, but due to last minute changes, I ended up in the US instead. So I hope to spend a few months in the Scandinavian countries to see the Norwegian fiords. Imagine sitting high up the mountain looking down into the fiord, with a glass of red wine in your hand...hmmm). Or watch the Midnight Sun and not sleeping at all, how's that for a change? Razz There are also many scenic train rides (not that other parts of Europe do not have scenic train rides, but I am sure the feeling would be slightly different)

Alaska is also on the list. Ever heard of the Inside Passage where you can watch icebergs tumble down into the sea. That must be an awesome sight! I would love to go for the cruise, and then go ashore to visit the rest of quiet and peaceful country. I can check out North America's highest mountain, Mount Mckinley while I am there. With more time, I will then surely hop over to western Canada and tour the Canadian Rockies again. Yes, again. The place is beautiful. If you love lakes and waterfalls, this is the place to be. All the lakes comes in all shapes and sizes, and different color too. The waterfalls are raging and thundering, some of the best in the world. If only I had more time then.

Next would be some beautiful peaks of the world. I won't dream of conquering Everest, but Mount KK (coming up), Nepal region and possibly Mount Kilimanjaro would be good enough for me. Yeah, would want to plant a jarjar flag on those peaks. It would give me a great sense of achievement. I want to stand on the peaks and say to myself - "I've made it!"

A trip to the Antarctica would be nice
Very Happy Imagine checking out the whales, penguins, sea lions and see a perfect patch of white landscape. Wow!

Asia has its own charm and culture if you go to the right places. Asia is huge and there are endless corners to go to. Some of them might include the Silk Route (the whole thing), Mongolia, Indo-China etc.

I guess covering those places I mentioned above would have taken me about 10 years of my time and tens or even hundred of thousands of dollars! And there are still many more places to greedy can I get in this aspect?! Razz

How about you? Where would you like to go?

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