Tuesday, May 31, 2005


New ERP gantries and charges? Bus/MRT Fares going up? So, what's next? Oh yes, the application for the presidential election certificate opens today? But does it make any difference who becomes the next President? We may have a walkover anyway. I wonder what the President's real role is?

I have been following some local forums in the recent weeks and it seems that the atmosphere in there is not very encouraging. There seems to be growing dissent with many new government policies, to the extent that some of them are blatantly hurling vulgar remarks and curses at the government. Whether some of the remarks made in these forums are nonsensical or baseless, there seem to be some truths in some of the things they complain about, which include Foreign Talents, National Service, GICs/GLCs, ERP, COE, Transport Fare Hikes etc. So what is happening in Singapore? Have we really reached the stage where more and more people are beginning to voice out against the government? Has the internet helped in this process in which people can "freely" voice out their unhappiness and shout for reform? Perhaps not. Recently someone was "forced" to close down his blog and make unreserved apology. So is it because the authorities have not caught up with these forums and the people involved? Perhaps these so-called forum "whiners" are of minimal threat for now, until they choose to be more actively "active"? Hmmm.....

I spoke with some friends recently about related issues. Some of the replies I received were "Why bother with Politics? Politics is dirty. As long as I have a house to live in, car to drive, wife and family and some luxuries, I am fine..." and "Don't talk so much if you are NOT prepared to do anything about it!!!" So are Singaporeans leading such good lives that they are very comfortable where they are and have become oblivious to the things that happen around us? Or are we too afraid to speak up and do anything for fear of repercussions? It has been said that the government is now more transparent and open, and that more people, especially the younger generations are now more vocal. But is the Singapore climate ready for such openess? I scratch my head and do not have a clear answer .

I ask myself if it is worth my time thinking about politics and related issues, about policies and decisions that have been made by the government. Perhaps my friend is right in saying that I must be prepared to do something if I am not pleased with how things are done. But if everyone is apolitical, then wouldn't the situation in Singapore worsen?

So what do you think? Where do you stand? Are you apolitical too? Or are you in a dilemma? Or are you one that wants to do something but do not know how or what? So many questions? Hmmmm.....

Perhaps I should just relax at the reservoir slopes, strum my guitar and watch the remote planes. But where are the planes??????

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