Tuesday, May 31, 2005


New ERP gantries and charges? Bus/MRT Fares going up? So, what's next? Oh yes, the application for the presidential election certificate opens today? But does it make any difference who becomes the next President? We may have a walkover anyway. I wonder what the President's real role is?

I have been following some local forums in the recent weeks and it seems that the atmosphere in there is not very encouraging. There seems to be growing dissent with many new government policies, to the extent that some of them are blatantly hurling vulgar remarks and curses at the government. Whether some of the remarks made in these forums are nonsensical or baseless, there seem to be some truths in some of the things they complain about, which include Foreign Talents, National Service, GICs/GLCs, ERP, COE, Transport Fare Hikes etc. So what is happening in Singapore? Have we really reached the stage where more and more people are beginning to voice out against the government? Has the internet helped in this process in which people can "freely" voice out their unhappiness and shout for reform? Perhaps not. Recently someone was "forced" to close down his blog and make unreserved apology. So is it because the authorities have not caught up with these forums and the people involved? Perhaps these so-called forum "whiners" are of minimal threat for now, until they choose to be more actively "active"? Hmmm.....

I spoke with some friends recently about related issues. Some of the replies I received were "Why bother with Politics? Politics is dirty. As long as I have a house to live in, car to drive, wife and family and some luxuries, I am fine..." and "Don't talk so much if you are NOT prepared to do anything about it!!!" So are Singaporeans leading such good lives that they are very comfortable where they are and have become oblivious to the things that happen around us? Or are we too afraid to speak up and do anything for fear of repercussions? It has been said that the government is now more transparent and open, and that more people, especially the younger generations are now more vocal. But is the Singapore climate ready for such openess? I scratch my head and do not have a clear answer .

I ask myself if it is worth my time thinking about politics and related issues, about policies and decisions that have been made by the government. Perhaps my friend is right in saying that I must be prepared to do something if I am not pleased with how things are done. But if everyone is apolitical, then wouldn't the situation in Singapore worsen?

So what do you think? Where do you stand? Are you apolitical too? Or are you in a dilemma? Or are you one that wants to do something but do not know how or what? So many questions? Hmmmm.....

Perhaps I should just relax at the reservoir slopes, strum my guitar and watch the remote planes. But where are the planes??????

Monday, May 30, 2005

Remote Control Planes

I went to Bedok Reservoir over the last two weekends and find the slopes there very quiet. Many months ago, I started to learn how to play the guitar on my own. With the help of friends, I managed to strum a few songs. On quite a few occasions, I would bring my guitar to the slopes of Bedok Reservoir to strum my guitar and watch many enthusiasts fly their remote control planes. I would bring a ground sheet, lay it below a tree, and relax there, strumming the guitar and watching the planes zoom up and down across the sky. The number of enthusiasts grew. There was one weekend where I saw more than 10 planes up in the sky! It was relaxing watching them.

2 colorful remote control planes high up in the sky

Another colourful/fierce-looking remote control plane

My camera was usually with me, so I loaded my zoom lens and managed to catch some nice shots of the planes. They come in many different shapes and sizes, some of them with a wing span of up to 2.5 m or more!

But they are all gone! I stopped going to the reservoir to exercise and relax in the past month because we were busy with our Mount Ophir training at Bedok Stadium and Bukit Timah Hill. I wonder what happened to all the enthusiasts. Did the authorities stop them from flying the planes because some incidents happened? I didn't feel it was very dangerous, minus the occasional near misses when the plane "crashes" near me. I sort of miss the planes as I could just sit there strumming my guitar and watch them soar in the sky. What a waste. Hope those guys will be back one day.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Cafe Society

Dinner at the Cafe Society was not to bad, but the price was kind of a little high. But that is expected for fine dining. The salmon that I ate was not too bad and the meshed potato and carrot that was served as a side was very nice. Had a walnut cheese cake for dessert. It was very good. Eating the cheese cake reminded me of the time when I was in the US. I was introduced to this restaurant called Cheesecake Factory. They served all the typical western food and of course cheese cakes as well. In fact, that's what they are famous for. They have many different types of cheese cakes and I enjoyed them very much.

The Cafe Society also has a bar at the upper level but it was mainly filled with foreigners, possibly many FTs who came to chill out after work.

My classmates, J, A and K (that's what they want to be known as) and I chatted on many things, ranging from work, to thrillers, to shows, to studies and politics. As usual, we had a fun time exchanging views and jokes. Another three regular classmates, J, A and M that used to hang out with us could not make it. HA. Guess they are all busy with their own stuff.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Yeah...Friday again

It's Friday evening but instead of going for my regular exercise, I would be joining some ex-classmates for dinner instead. In a couple of minutes I would be setting off from office to this Cafe Society at the Old Parliament House. It sounds so high class. HA. Anyway, I have not met up with them for about two months I think, so it's about time to catch up again.

I guess I better set off now. Don't want to be late :D

To the PUB.......I mean to the cafe :p


Dusky dolphins swimming next to our boat Posted by Hello

I love dolphins. They are my favourite animals. They seem so intelligent, so fun loving, always jumping in and out of the water, and always seem to be smiling all the time. I feel good watching them. Yes, I have seen quite a few different dolphins in the wild, mainly bottlenose dolphins in the South China Sea, and the dusky dolphins (picture above) in the sea off Kaikoura, New Zealand. Then you also have the spinner dolphins, whose acrobatic stunts can outdo any world gymnast champions. Just watching them twist and spin and jump in and out of the water is a joy in itself. I have touched a dolphin before (just a little touch) in the Sea World at San Diego, California. I would love to hug and play with a dolphin. I had always wanted to visit Monkey Mia in Western Australia, where wild bottlenose dolphins swim up to shore to say hello to humans. One day I will.

Do you like dolphins too?

Where would you like to go?

I was just asking some friends this question "If you are not limited by time or money, which country or place would you like to visit?"

For me it is actually very difficult to pinpoint exactly where I would like to go because given a choice with no money and time limitation, I want to see the whole world including all the nooks and crannies of each place. HA. But guess I have to be a little more realistic here.

I have been to a few places in Europe before, so I would like to visit the other European countries. I planned a trip to Scandinavia 8 years ago, but due to last minute changes, I ended up in the US instead. So I hope to spend a few months in the Scandinavian countries to see the Norwegian fiords. Imagine sitting high up the mountain looking down into the fiord, with a glass of red wine in your hand...hmmm). Or watch the Midnight Sun and not sleeping at all, how's that for a change? Razz There are also many scenic train rides (not that other parts of Europe do not have scenic train rides, but I am sure the feeling would be slightly different)

Alaska is also on the list. Ever heard of the Inside Passage where you can watch icebergs tumble down into the sea. That must be an awesome sight! I would love to go for the cruise, and then go ashore to visit the rest of quiet and peaceful country. I can check out North America's highest mountain, Mount Mckinley while I am there. With more time, I will then surely hop over to western Canada and tour the Canadian Rockies again. Yes, again. The place is beautiful. If you love lakes and waterfalls, this is the place to be. All the lakes comes in all shapes and sizes, and different color too. The waterfalls are raging and thundering, some of the best in the world. If only I had more time then.

Next would be some beautiful peaks of the world. I won't dream of conquering Everest, but Mount KK (coming up), Nepal region and possibly Mount Kilimanjaro would be good enough for me. Yeah, would want to plant a jarjar flag on those peaks. It would give me a great sense of achievement. I want to stand on the peaks and say to myself - "I've made it!"

A trip to the Antarctica would be nice
Very Happy Imagine checking out the whales, penguins, sea lions and see a perfect patch of white landscape. Wow!

Asia has its own charm and culture if you go to the right places. Asia is huge and there are endless corners to go to. Some of them might include the Silk Route (the whole thing), Mongolia, Indo-China etc.

I guess covering those places I mentioned above would have taken me about 10 years of my time and tens or even hundred of thousands of dollars! And there are still many more places to visit.............how greedy can I get in this aspect?! Razz

How about you? Where would you like to go?

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Hibiscus taken at Cameron Highlands Posted by Hello

Experimenting with pictures in my blog :) This is a nice picture of a hibiscus taken 2 months ago when I was relaxing in the Cameron Highlands. I have always liked flowers, and hibiscus is one of the favorites. I guess it is big and bright and makes a good photography subject :D

Nothing eventful?

It was a Vesak Day long weekend last week. Nothing eventful happened though. I would normally make use of such long weekends to go for a diving or trekking trip. But guess I cannot keep going for trips as I just returned from Mount Ophir over the Labour Day long weekend. There were many other trips that the other DiveTrekkers headed during the weekend. One group went diving in Redang while another went to explore the clear blue waters of Tioman. I only went to Bukit Timah Forest Reserve for a walk. HA.

Another group of DiveTrekkers would be going to Manado this coming Jun. I was invited to join them, but I couldn't convince myself to join in, partly it was going to be a whole week thingy, and it would cost quite a bit. I have decided to conquer Mount KK in Aug instead. That would probably be my last major trip for this year. Yet I have many days of leave to clear - 38 days to be exact! Looks like I might have to take leave and sleep in for a few weeks. HA. Who knows.

Oh yes. I finally fried the minced meat omelette I promised myself last week. It tasted so good!

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Just added a counter to my blog. I wonder who will read my blog anyway. HA.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Crazyjarjar Trading

It was a nice and cooling morning. Great to sleep through but too bad I had to wake up early to send my car for servicing. Due to the rain and the peak hour, the journey to the service centre took me more than an hour! It was jam after jam on different roads. It only took me 10 mins to settle the paper work at the service centre and was soon back in the office. The taxi fare cost $10. About an hour later, the service centre called and told me my car was ready. Wow, so fast? I wonder if I am getting what I paid for.

Went for lunch and then headed down to collect my car. It felt the same. HA. The serviceman told me my tyres are due for a change. Yeah, I guess it's about time too. Actually I was toying with the idea to get a commercial van that runs on diesel. Not only can I say money on fuel, I can also have more space! HA. Will keep dreaming. Saw a van earlier on bearing the name Woodpecker Trading. Interesting company name. So I guess Crazyjarjar Trading can pass too :p

Crazyjarjar Trading - trades in anything crazy under the sun!

Hmmm, I should give this a crazy thought :D

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Nice Tuesday Morning

HA, had slightly better sleep last night but it is still not enough. Guess I will never get enough of it. HA HA. Did not go home for porridge and minced-meat omelette last night. Decided to eat out at the kopi tiam instead. Ate a huge Fu-Yong omelette!

Heard from the news that the Elections Bill has been changed again, this time to prevent fraud! The elections must be coming soon then. Hmmm.....expect more "shocking" changes.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Minced-Pork Omelette here I come

A tiring day, and glad I am getting out of the office shortly. Should be heading home to cook some porridge for dinner. HA. Miss the porridge and the minced-pork omelette. Maybe some chili tuna too :D

Slow Monday

Tried to sleep early this morning but tossed here and there. It was warm even though my fan was blowing directly at me. Kept waking up :( Then the strong wind and heavy rain came. Got up to close the window. Was hoping to sleep more soundly in the cooler weather in the next 2 hours but still kept waking up. Haiz. Now feeling a little tired. *Yawn* A few more hours before knocking off from work. Hope to have some better sleep tonight.

Sunday Routine

Took a nap in the afternoon, and then resumed my Sunday evening jog at Bedok Reservoir. Have not been there for over 2 months, ever since we stared training for the recent May Day Ophir Trip. It was crowded. Lots of familiar faces and many new ones too. The run was as usual.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Slow Sunday

Sunday morning was cooling and cozy best weather for sleeping. However, I got up earlier as I wanted to check my email. My boss gave me a call yesterday evening and wanted me to draft an important reply. HA. I am still drafting the reply. I better sort it out first before doing anything else :p

A sleepy Saturday

Spent most of Saturday lazing in bed :p Guess I needed the rest :) Went out for dinner in the evening and popped over to 355 to meet up with the guys there.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Hey, it is Friday evening!

Hey, it is Friday evening! Fridays are one of my favourite days of the week. Guess most people like Fridays too. I don't work on Saturdays, and so Fridays signify the end of the work week. If I have no other plans, it usually means that Friday evening is my sports night. Over the past two years, I have been exercising regularly, and it feels great to be fit :) Well, I am not that VERY fit, but I am pretty happy with my level of fitness now. Oh yes, I just conquered Mount Ophir two weeks back without much problems :p In about 10 minutes, I would get changed and proceed to Queenstown Stadium for my regular run/swim. So if you want to keep fit too, how about joining me there? :D

Enjoy your weekend!

Look slightly better now?

Piggy checked out the blog and commented that the theme was ugly. I think so too. So I decided to make some simple changes. Hopefully it looks slightly better now. HA.

What's so great about blogging?

Everyone has been talking about blogging, including my boss! He was very sure blogging is going to be the next big thing in the internet and felt that our company's technology would be a perfect fit for bloggers to publish their blogs in. So I better check out blogging too, in case he asked me some questions about blogging in future :)

So here I am, my very first blog. I never wrote diaries when I was young. Guess my command of English was very poor then, and there was simply no incentive to write. Oh, I didn't have money to buy a diary too (excuse!). But in the recent years, I notice that I like to write more and more. In the Divetrek website, which I have been actively participating for the past 2 years, I have contributed and shared a lot of my ideas, comments and trip reports, with some of the reports going into thesis lengths of a few thousand words. :p Guess I just enjoy expressing myself in words nowadays.

So what's so great about blogging? I do not really know yet, but I will find out soon if I blog frequently enough, and receive comments on my blogs.