Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So boring!

Piggy 1 was walking. Piggy 2 also walking. Then Piggy 1 met Piggy 2, then Piggy 2 met Piggy 1, then Piggy 1 and Piggy 2 both met, then Piggy 1 and Piggy 2 talked. So boring!

Piggy 1 - Hey, how's the going?
Piggy 2
- What going? Please speak properly. I don't understand your "chim" english!

Piggy 1
- Aiyah, I am just asking how you are. So how are you piggy 1?

Piggy 2
- Like that lor. Very moody today.

Piggy 1
- Why always moody? Moody your middle name ah?

Piggy 2
- No lah. Getting very pissed off at work with my colleagues. Then they also started the ERP along CTE. I don't drive along CTE in the evening lah, but the ERP diverted many cars to where I travel daily. So now my side also jam and soon they will plonk an ERP gantry there too! *grrrrrr*

Piggy 1
- Aiyah, doesn't matter lah. Patient ok.

Piggy 2
- yah yah yah, always want me to be patient. Soon I will become a real patient!

Piggy 1
- Ok lah, don't say you already. Hey why don't you sell your car and take public transport instead. Our public transport system is world class leh.

Piggy 2
- World class? Sure or not? I have not travelled on a public transport for quite some time so do not know world class or not. All I know is that fares keep going up and these transport companies insist of earning more, when most other people are earning lesser.

Piggy 1
- Yah, cheap world class, LTA say one. It seems that everything is Singapore also world class leh.

Piggy 2
- World class! You have not seen what world class means lah. But then I must admit that setting up the COE and ERP systems are world class indeed! What better ways to milk the cows! *Moooooooooo* (Get your stinking hands off my teats)

Piggy 1
- Aiyoh, why talk about cows again. Wait the cows whack you then you know.

Piggy 2
- OK, OK, OK. That's why I use piggy here mah. But then there is one piggy out there who may be unhappy also. Aiyoh. Cow cannot, maybe pig also cannot. Maybe use dinosaur then no one will complain.

Piggy 1
- Why you always so critical one? Why can't you be a good boy and just do what they tell you to? Get into trouble then you know.

Piggy 2
- The most get deported to Sentosa lor. Eh, in a few years time got IR leh. Not bad to be deported there. Better start polishing up my skills.

Piggy 1
- OK don't talk about this sickening topic. Will make you mad. Hey, you going to climb Mount KK soon right? When hah?

Piggy 2
- This Friday lor.

Piggy 1
- Wow, then you should be very excited right?

Piggy 2 - Not sure leh. I a little apprehensive. Not sure whether can conquer the mountain or not. It will be very cold up there and sekali I get mountain sickness also. Piggy 1 - Never mind lah. So many people have done it. I am sure you can do it. Jia you ok!
Piggy 2
- Hope so lor. Still have not finished packing yet. My back pack now like weigh a tonne!

Piggy 1
- Aiyah, no pain no gain mah. At least you conquer Mount KK liao can claim that you have conquered one of the highest peaks of the world right?

Piggy 2
. Guess so lor. Not sure big deal or not. I have already conquered Singapore's highest peak many times liao!

Piggy 1
- KK got things to buy for me or not?

Piggy 2
- Not sure leh. Never been there. Maybe got bird nests. You want bird nests? Those with blood one?

Piggy 1
- Yeee...don't want. Just get me some local goods can liao.

Piggy 2
- OK, OK, OK. Will take some pictures for you to see.

Piggy 1
- Thank you. *Hug Piggy 2*

Piggy 1 hugged Piggy 2, then Piggy 2 hugged Piggy 1, then both Piggy 1 and Piggy 2 hugged, then Piggy 1 puked, then Piggy 2 puked, then Piggy 1 and Piggy 2 puked. Then Piggy 1 walked away, then Piggy 2 walked away, then both Piggy 1 and Piggy 2 walked away.......

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