Thursday, August 18, 2005

Backside Pain Ah ???!!!

Dolphin 1 was *swimming* *jumping* *spiraling* *twisting* and *oooops* clashed into Dolphin 2 who was also *swimming* *jumping* *spiraling* *twisting* from the opposite direction.

Dolphin 2: *rubbing his long nose* Aiyoh, Dolphin 1, why you anyhow jump here and there? Knock me until so painful leh.

Dolphin 1: Sorry Dolphin 2. I wasn't sure where I was heading. I simply *swim* *jump* *spiral* and *twist*. Not exactly going anywhere.

Dolphin 2: Why so listless? What happened? Want to tell me?

Dolphin 1: Tell you also you may not understand. It is about my friend Piggy 2 lor.

Dolphin 2: What's wrong with that moody Piggy 2 again? How come he always got so much trouble?

Dolphin 1: Aiyah, he went to climb Mount KK last week, then come back so *xian xian*. Not sure what exactly happened. I asked him, but he kept mumbling to himself. I only could hear him keep saying "always my fault...."

Dolphin 2: Huh? "Always his fault...." What is he talking about? They all cannot go up the mountain because of him ah? If not then why always his fault?

Dolphin 1: Not sure lah. You ask me I ask who? Let me call him now with my waterproofed satellite phone.

Dolphin 2: OK lor. Since I am quite free now, I will wait for you lah. You talk to him first while I look for some fishes to eat.

Dolphin 1: *talking to Piggy 2* You don't cry lah. What's is there to cry about? Just tell me what happened lah.

Dolphin 1: *still talking to Piggy 2* "Hmmm", "Orrrh", "Errr", "Ooook", "Aiyah" Like that also cry. Pigs like to cry meh? OK, I tell you what. No big deal lah. Just go look for crazyjarjar, and "borrow" a coconut tree for you to lean. You sit under the coconut tree, then think think think.....then think think think some more.....then take one deep breath (don't forget to exhale) and you will be ok liao. Trust me. I kid you not. Oh yah, remember to sms me which coconut tree near the sea hor. I can go and visit you mah.

Dolphin 2: Wah, you talked so long to that Piggy 2. So what's his problem this time?

Dolphin 1: Yah yah yah, and you happily go and eat your tuna. No lah, he went to Mount KK, actually very fun one. Scenery very nice, weather very nice, and they climb climb climb everything also very nice. You don't see that Piggy 2 climbing on 4 legs hor actually can climb quite fast. He quite fit one.

Dolphin 2: Everything nice then still so sad?

Dolphin 1: Aiyah, you don't interrupt lah. Let me continue. Quite long story leh. You be patient can?

Dolphin 2: Eh? How come this sounds so familiar? Orrrh, that Piggy 1 also asked Piggy 2 to be patient right? Ok lah, I will be patient else also become real patient.

Dolphin 1: That's better. OK. Then they climb climb climb. Then not sure what happened hor, Piggy 2 fell ill leh. He had diarrhea, fever, runny nose, cough, headache. He also vomited and his backside also pain leh. Terrible right?

Dolphin2: that how to climb some more?

Dolphin 1: Yah lor....but his friends very good lah. Took very good care of him, nursed him back to health.

Dolphin 2: Wow, his friends very good hor. I think if others, will leave him by the road side to rot ah :p

Dolphin 1: Yah yah yah, you so bad-hearted. His friends all very good one, will surely help.

Dolphin 2: So help already good right, how come still got problem leh?

Dolphin 1: Yah lor, strange right. But then Piggy 2 said difficult to make everyone happy lor. Piggy 2 do something or don't do something other people also not happy. I told him go sit below a coconut tree and relax lah. This Piggy 2 gave a loud *Haiz - Always my fault..." then he hung up. I hope he will sms me which coconut tree near the sea he will be at then I can go visit him.

Dolphin 2: Waaah, very confusing leh. Why pigs got so much problem one?

Dolphin 1: Don't know lah. I thought pigs just eat sleep and be merry, but this pig quite active one, everything also do, so maybe got more headache lah.

Dolphin 2: Why can't pigs be more like dolphins? Swim here and there, got tuna eat tuna, no tuna eat sardines lah. Left brain headache, then switch left brain off, since still can think with right brain. HA....dolphin good right?

Dolphin 1: Yah, yah, yah, keep singing your own praises. If both brains headache you switch both off right? You backside pain then you know.

Dolphin 2: Hee Hee, ok lah, got to go. Don't forget to let me know when Piggy 2 sms you on which coconut tree he is at. Maybe I can go see if his backside still pain or not :p *grin*

Dolphin 1: !!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmm....... Dolphin 2, can you help me to pass a message to piggy 2? Just tell him don't be so upsad! As piggy 2 is not a crown, he can't be making everyone happy right!! I rememeber there is someone told me about this phase "In this World nobody own you, your happiness or sadness depend on yourself"!!! So just tell piggy 2 he did not own anyone, so he don't have to be upsad over this issued. So long as piggy 2 knew what he is doing, and did not hurt anyone then is fine!!! Piggy 2 has his own choice to decide what he want to do,so just advise him don't thnk so much.!!! Just find a comfortable coconut tress with sea infront to relax and release himself!!! ENJOY.... ENJOY......!!!!