Friday, November 04, 2005

Why we attend funeral wakes????

Dolphin 1 swam quietly up to Dolphin 2 and tickled him. Dolphin 2 had a fright and screamed at Dolphin 1.

Dolphin 2 - Oooi, what are you trying to do? Tickle me like that. I may get heart attack you know?!

Dolphin 1 - Hee Hee. Sorry lah. Just playing a fool with you. Why are you resting at this hour? It should be tuna feasting time leh.

Dolphin 2 - Aiyah, I am on diet. Recently put on a lot of weight, so want to skip a few tunas. You also better watch your diet.

Dolphin 1 - I am not too worried. I have enough exercise swimming round the whole world. See my belly. 6-pack ok?

Dolphin 2 - Yah lah, yah lah, show off. So what's up?

Dolphin 1 - Actually I am on the way to a funeral wake. Want to come along?

Dolphin 2 - What? A funeral wake? Whose?

Dolphin 1 - Oh, that Emperor Penguin 1's great great grandma passed away. So I am on the way to the North Pole to pay my last respects.

Dolphin 2 - What? North Pole? All the way there? Aiyoh, very far leh.

Dolphin 1 - Come with me lah. Who knows we might meet Miss Dolphin 7 at the funeral wake, and you can slim down at the same time by swimming all the way there!

Dolphin 2 - Errrr, ok lah. On lah. Lets go.

Both Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 swam happily towards the North Pole. It took them 3 days 3 nights to arrive. The funeral wake was still on. Both Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 went to take a look at the Emperor Penguin 1's great great grandma, who of course was lying there on the ice bed motionlessly.

Dolphin 2 - Hey, you know Emperor Penguin 1's great great grandma very well ah that you have to come all the way to the North Pole to pay your last respects?

Dolphin 1 - No leh. This is the first time I am seeing her. Why?

Dolphin 2 - What? You are seeing her for the first time? You mean in her whole life (glanced at the board that says 40 years old) of 40 years you have never met Emperor Penguin 1's great great grandma before?

Dolphin 1 - Yah, I have never met her before.

Dolphin 2 - So why did you come all the way here? It was a tiring journey leh.

Dolphin 1 - To pay my last respect lor?

Dolphin 2 - ????? To pay your last respects even though you have never met her before? Then yesterday when we passed by another funeral wake of a killer whale's grandpa off Kamchatka, how come you never dropped by to pay your last respects?

Dolphin 1 - But I don't know that killer whale's grandpa mah! (Feeling a little annoyed)

Dolphin 2 - Exactly! You also do not know Emperor Penguin 1's great great grandma right? But you swam three days three nights to come all the way here to pay your last respects???!!!

Dolphin 1 - Shhhh. No need to get so agitated. I will let you know the real reason on our way home, OK?

Dolphin 2 - You better have a good excuse.

Dolphin 1 went to Emperor Penguin 1, gave him a big hug and consoled him. Emperor Penguin 1 was feeling very sad. He was his great great grandma favorite great great grandson. His great great grandma doted on him a lot, always bringing him to play ice bowling and iceberg surfing. Now he has to learn ice hockey from his great great grandpa, who seems like about to "go" anytime soon too.

After offering the sweetest words of "Tomorrow will be better" to Emperor Penguin 1, Dolphin 1 bade him farewell. Just as Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 were about to leave, they spotted Miss Dolphin 7! Both their eyes popped out. Miss Dolphin 7 is still as beautiful as ever, and Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 reminisced those times when the three of them spent their early childhood years together.

Dolphin 2 rushed forward and gave Miss Dolphin 7 a big dolphin hug while Dolphin 1 flipped over and landed a dolphin kiss on the soft puffy cheeks of Miss Dolphin 7. Miss Dolphin 7 was very surprised but happy to see both Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2, and gave them her special dolphin tail greeting. The three of them stayed over at the funeral wake for a while before leaving the North Pole. Miss Dolphin 7 is now happily married to Dolphin 99 and are putting up in the beautiful sea off Kaikoura, New Zealand. Wow she certainly came a long way.

Dolphin 1 - Shall we escort you back to Kaikoura?

Miss Dolphin 7 - Well, I would love to have you guys come along with me, but it is going to be a long journey.

Dolphin 2 - No problem. 7 days 7 nights also no problem.

Off they swam, through the icy cold waters of the North Pole. The three of them seemed to be reliving their childhood days, jumping and splashing as they headed south.

Dolphin 2 - Hey Miss Dolphin 2, ask you. Why did you travel all the way up to the north pole to attend the funeral wake?

Miss Dolphin 7 - Oh, to offer my condolences to our good friend Emperor Penguin 1 of course, and at the same time, since I would be there, to pay my last respects to Emperor Penguin 1's great great grandma.

Dolphin 2 - See, Dolphin 1. So what excuse you have?

Dolphin 1 - Actually it is the same reason lah. Normally we attend a funeral wake is to show our face to the friend lah. Most of the time we also do not know the friend's relative who passed away, like the great great grandma in this case. But normally we would tell people that we go and pay our last respects, but in actual fact we go there to show Emperor Penguin 1 that we care and support him during this time of bereavement. I know it sounds very hypocritical but this is life.

Dolphin 2 - Wah lau, like that also can ah? Then you make me swam 3 days 3 nights just to show face? But then hor, it is ok lah. At least I had a chance to meet Miss Dolphin 7 and I think I have already lost 3 kilos!

Dolphin 1 - ?????!!!!!

Dolphin 1, Dolphin 2 and Miss Dolphin 7 swam, chatted, and told each other many stories. Both Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 missed Miss Dolphin 7 a lot and were very sad when they soon passed Cape Reinga after swimming 6.5 days. They knew soon they have to part with Miss Dolphin 7. Swimming on, they soon reached Kaikoura and bade Miss Dolphin 7 good bye, with tears flowing from their eyes. They wonder when they would be able to meet Miss Dolphin 7 again.

Another funeral wake perhaps????

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