Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Heroes Saved The Day

Dolphin 1 was strumming his guitar and singing "Where have all the tunas gone?".......when his satellite phone rang. He was a little annoyed to be disturbed. He balanced his guitar on his tail and took a look at the caller id. Eh, this number seems strange and it is not in his phone book. He was contemplating not to pick up the phone, after all the charges for satellite transmissions can be expensive. But he decided to take another look, and he realised the call could be from New Zealand. New Zealand? He thoguht to himself. Could it be Miss Dophin 7 whom they just met some time ago? Thinking that it might really be her, he was so excited and just as he was about to answer the phone, the phone went dead. Arrrrgh. The battery was flat, and he has forgotten to charge it! Feeling angry with himself, he tossed the guitar aside and started looking for his phone charger, and secretly wished the phone will ring again.

Dolphin 1 waited for a while. The phone did not ring again. He decided to call Dolphin 2.

Dolphin 2 - Heellllo. Dolphin 2 here (in a seductive tone)

Dolphin 1 - Hallo! Why you sound so sexy today? Your girlfriend called ah?

Dolphin 2 - Ooops, did I sound so sexy just now. Sorry ah. *Blush* No lah, I where got girlfriend. You are the
one with many girlfriends leh.

Dolphin 1 - Yah yah yah, I am the playboy and you are the good boy.

Dolphin 2 - Just kidding lah....so what's up. You sound a little uptight.

Dolphin 1 - Don't know lah. Just now I received a call. I think it was from New Zealand. But my stupid phone battery went flat before I could answer the call.

Dolphin 2 - Never mind lor. Just wait a while and the person will call again lah, if it is urgent enough. Eh? New Zealand? Are you saying it could be Miss Dolphin 7? *Dolphin 2's eyes gleamed*

Dolphin 1 - I am not sure lor, but I have hardly received any calls from New Zealand before, so it could be lor. I hope Miss Dolphin 7 is not in some kind of trouble.

Dolphin 2 - Hope so too. Maybe she is just calling to say hi. Just wait a while lor.

Dophin 1 - Yah, I....hang on, I think there is a call coming in.

Dolphin 1 swapped to the second call and a sobbing voice could be heard on the other end.

Dolphin 1 - Hello. who's that? Is that you Miss Dolphin 7?

Miss Dolphin 7 - Yes, Dolphin 1. I have been trying to reach you for some time. *sobbing in between* Why have you not answered my call?

Dolphin 1 - I am so sorry. What happened? Why are you crying? Wait, I will get Dolphin 2 to listen in as well. I am on the other line with him.

With a few quick pushes on some buttons, Dolphin 1 managed to get Dolphin to have a conference call with Miss Dolphin 7.

Dolphin 2 - Miss Dolphin 7, what happened? You are in some kind of trouble?

Miss Dolphin 7 - I am also not sure what has happened. Dolphin 99 has gone out for a week and has not returned! He has never stayed out for so long without telling me. I am very worried.

Dolphin 1 - Alamak, maybe he is out for a fling? *hee hee*

Dolphin 2 - Stupid Dolphin 1, don't be so insensitive! Miss Dolphin 7 is already so worried and you make this kind of remark.

Dolphin 1 - Sorry sorry, just kidding.

Miss Dolphin 7 - Dolphin 1 is still the same, naughty as before. I do not know what to do. I am thinking of....wait...I hear someone at the door. Maybe Dolphin 99 has returned.

*Arrrrrrrrrrrgh, there was a loud scream, apparently from Miss Dolphin 7*

Dolphin 1/2 - What happened Miss Dolphin 7?????

*Nothing was heard from the other end. The phone went dead after a while*

Dolphin 1 - Hey Dolphin 2. I think Miss Dolphin 7 is really in trouble. I am making a trip down to New Zealand. You want to come along?

Dolphin 2 - Errr...I am kind of stuck with something now....

Dolphin 1 - But Miss Dolphin 7 is in trouble. She may need our help. If you are not interested to help then I will go on my own.

Dolphin 2 - OK. OK. I will not let anything happen to Miss Dolphin 7, you know that.

Dolphin 1 - OK. You quickly settle your stuff and meet in an hour. Bring your sword, in case we need it.

Dolphin 2 - All right. See you later at the usual coconut tree by the bay.

Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 met up as agreed by the coconut tree and swam at maximum speed towards New Zealand. If they go real fast and non-stop they might take about 2 days 2 nights. Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 kept swimming, without even speaking a word to each other. They were both very worried that something has happened to Miss Dolphin 7.

After 2 days and 1.5 nights, Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 finally arrived at Kaikoura, New Zealand where Miss Dolphin 7 is. As they arrived, they noticed there was a small funeral wake just outside her house. Gosh, something bad has really happened, they thought to themselves.

Miss Dolphin 7 - Seeing Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2, she rushed forward to give them a big hug. I am so glad that both of you are here. I am really at a loss of what to do now, and she just kept on crying and crying on the shoulders of both Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2, switching shoulders every few seconds.

Miss Dolphin 7 went on to sob for 33 minutes and when she finally managed to compose herself, she began to tell her story.

Dolphin 99 went off to hunt for tunas with his brother Dolphin 88. They were expected to be away for 3 days. After 1 week, they have not returned and so Miss Dolphin 7 started to get worried and called Dolphin 1. Then while they were on the phone and someone came knocking on the door, Miss Dolphin 7 went to open the door, hoping it was Dolphin 99. But it was Dolphin 88, his whole body bloody, bruised and almost mutilated at his tail. That's when Miss Dolphin 7 screamed and fainted. She managed to regain consciousness after 7 minutes but Dolphin 88 was almost breathing his last. Dolphin 88 revealed that while Dolphin 99 and him were out searching for tunas, they met a pink Sperm Whale who seemed to have just arrived in this area. The Sperm Whale attacked both of them. With the size of 20 to 1, the dolphins were of no match to the Sperm Whale. The Sperm Whale swallowed Dolphin 99 in one gulp and Dolphin 88 was badly injured when he tried to save Dolphin 99. He was about to say where the Sperm Whale was spotted when he suddenly dropped dead! So Dolphin 99 is still missing.

Dolphin 1 - We have to hurry and find Dolphin 99. Although he has been swallowed by the Sperm Whale, he might still be alive. He should be able to survive in the whale's stomach for 3 days 3 nights, which means we only have about 1/3 night left to find him. We have to set off immediately. Lets go Dolphin 2!

Miss Dolphin 7 - Wait, Dolphin 1. I cannot allow both of you to sacrifice yourself for Dolphin 99's sake. He could be dead by now, and you guys are certainly no match for the Sperm Whale.

Dolphin 2 - Don't worry Miss Dolphin 7. We may be small in size, but I believe we are smarter than the Sperm Whale. How smart can a pink Sperm Whale be anyway?

Dolphin 1 - Don't worry about us. We will be willing to do anything for you. We will bring Dolphin 99 back, dead or alive.

Off they went, Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 hastily swam into the pacific ocean again. They were already tired from the long journey but they were determined to find the pink Sperm Whale. With strong flips of their tails, they began to search the icy waters for the pink Sperm Whale. What a color for a whale, they thought to themselves.

Dolphin 1 - There it is! A pink Sperm Whale. Lets approach him quietly.

But they were soon spotted by the pink Sperm Whale, who slapped his giant tail on them. But both Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 managed to spiral themselves out of reach of the tail. It was a close shave.

Dolphin 1 - You stupid big bully and sissy pink Sperm Whale. How dare you attack us? Who are you and why have you come here to create trouble?

Pink Sperm Whale - I am Pinkie, the one and only sissy pink Sperm Whale in this ocean. Sissy am I, but I am fast and strong, and love to eat silly dolphins like you two.

Dolphin 2 - Pink Sperm Whales should belong to the underwater world and not out here to terrorise others. You have swallowed my good friend's husband. We are here to take revenge!

Pink Sperm Whale - Revenge? Just the two of you? HAHA....I am laughing my toes off...ooops I have no toes....I am laughing my fins off.

Pinkie suddenly slapped his big sissy tail in their direction again, and this time almost knocked the two of them out.

Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 quickly regained themselves and Dolphin 1 thought of a plan. He whipered to Dolphin 2 and just as Pinkie slapped his sissy tail again, Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 did the strongest leaps they have ever done in their lives and landed themselves onto Pinkie's back. They quickly wriggled to the blowhole of Pinkie, lodged them in it and started tickling the innerside of Pinkie's blowhole. Being ticklish, Pinkie started to squirm. He tried to blow both Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 out of the blowhole but the two dolphins were firmly lodged in it. The tickle became too intense that Pinkie gave out a loud sneeze, throwly Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 high into the air, and from his belly, out came many other dolphins that he swallowed the past few days. In mid air, Dolphin 1 shouted to Dolphin 2.

Dolphin 1 - Quickly Dolphin 2, draw your sword!

Dolphin 2 - Dolphin 2 drew his sword which was held onto his back with waterproof double-sided sticker. He thrusted the sword into Pinkie's eye as he descended and Pinkie gave out a loud wail and quickly splashed away into the deep ocean.

"Dolphin 99, Dolphin 99, Dolphin 99....." Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 called out to the dolphins who were spewed from Pinkie's belly. Here I am, Dolphin 99 groaned in a low voice, as he was trying to keep himself afloat. Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 quickly swam over to help Dolphin 99. He was badly injured too. Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 then took turns to carry Dolphin 99 on their backs. Their fireman lift training has come to good use. Both Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 were dead tired too. When they finally handed over Dolphin 99 to Miss Dolphin 7, they collapsed in exhaustion.

Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 awoke later, and there were many other dolphins surrounding them. All of them, including grandma and granddad dolphins have come to thank Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 for saving the lives of their children and grandchildren who were swallowed by Pinkie. Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 drank some tuna soup and were soon recharged again. The entire town hailed them as heroes and carried Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 up high. Miss Dolphin 7 was so happy that her beloved Dolphin 99 has returned safe and sound.

Back at home, Miss Dolphin 7 couldn't stop thanking Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 for almost sacrificing their own lives to save Dolphin 99. She gave them a longest and sweetest hug, and that made Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 felt so good.

Miss Dolphin 7 - I can't thank you enough. But how did you manage to save Dolphin 99?

Dolphin 1 - HA. A tickle usually does the trick!

Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 stayed over at Miss Dolphin 7's house for another week. They had a great time together. Soon Dolphin 1 and 2 had to leave for home. Even before they arrived home, words have already got around about their brave act and the dolphin community has been blogging about them for the past week. Dolphin 1 and Dolphin 2 arrived home with their heads lifted up high. A tickle really does the job! HA.

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