Thursday, November 10, 2005

Politically Correct?

Remember Dolphin 1, the crazy and playful dolphin? Remember he went to visit Emperor Penguin 1 when the latter's great great grandma passed away? Yes, the one where he met Miss Dolphin 7? HA. He still misses her but that's not the point.

Dolphin 1 received a call from Emperor Penguin 1 on his waterproof satellite phone.

Dolphin 1 - Haaallo

Emperor Penguin 1 - Hey Dolphin 1, how are you?

Dolphin 1 - Is that Emperor Penguin 1? Hey, nice of you to call me. I am feeling great! You leh?

Emperor Penguin 1 - Me ah? OK lah. But right now I am having a little dilemma. Can I go and visit you?

Dolphin 1 - Huh? What dilemma? Visit me for what? Girl friend problem ah?

Emperor Penguin 1 - Wah Dolphin 1. How you know girl friend problem? You are only half right. It is something like girl friend problem but then it is not my girl friend problem lah. I wish I have a girl friend that gives me problem to start with!

Dolphin 1 - Huh? Then whose problem is that?

Emperor Penguin 1 - My Royal Emperor Penguin GrandPaPa lah, the Emperor of the Emperor Penguins. You see, he has many wives and concubines, and I am just one of his many grandsons. He said yesterday that he wants more children but most of his wives and concubines have already given birth and used up their birth quota liao. So now he needs more concubines.

Dolphin 1 - Wow, your Royal Emperor Penguin GrandPaPa very the can leh. He must be at least 35 years old? So old still want to have more concubines?

Emperor Penguin 1 - HA, he is really the can. It is true that he has been very fit all these while. He still blades regularly and takes part in swimathons to the South Pole last year! But then I disapprove of him taking more concubines. He is already so old. He should be relaxing and enjoying life.

Dolphin 1 - Why he suddenly thought of having more children? Not enough meh?

Emperor Penguin 1 - Not sure lah. I heard 2 days ago he was blading again and then nearly had a fall. Then my Emperor Penguin Papa jokingly said that my Royal Emperor Penguin GrandPaPa must be getting old. Then he seemed not happy and now announced that he wants more children and therefore more concubines.

Dolphin 1 - you are not happy about his intention and so want to come visit me, to show your displeasure?

Emperor Penguin 1 - In a way yes. All my other siblings and family members have already sent congratulatory cards to Royal Emperor Penguin 1. All except me. I have instead written him a note to tell him that I am going to the South Pole to visit Blue Whale 1, but actually I want to come and visit you first before going to say "Hi" to Blue Whale 1 together. So what do you think?

Dolphin 1 - HA. Not a very wise choice leh. Everyone is congratulating your Royal Emperor Penguin GrandPaPa but you are planning to visit me and Blue Whale 1? Sure or not?

Emperor Penguin 1 - Yes, I am sure. I just object to my Royal Emperor Penguin GrandPaPa's decision to grow his harem. He is already so old.

Dolphin 1 - Exactly! You kept saying your Royal Emperor Penguin GrandPaPa is old. Your Emperor Penguin Papa also said he is old. Have you realised that he made the announcement to grow his harem not because he is desperate for love. He simply wants to show everyone that he is not old???

Emperor Penguin 1 - *silent*

Dolphin 1 - Oooi, you there? You heard me or not? As your good friend I am giving you this advice. Your Royal Emperor Penguin GrandPaPa is afterall the Emperor of the Emperor Penguins. He doesn't want to be thought of as old. He wants to continue to rule the Emperor Penguins for many more years. Instead of giving him your encouragement, you are coming to visit me? You must be going nuts!!! You come over my side I will ignore you.

Emperor Penguin 1 - *remain silent* *starting to feel guilty*

Dolphin 1 - Still keeping quiet? Don't agree with me? I leave it to you. If you still want to visit Blue Whale 1, you go ahead on your own. Don't come and look for me.

Emperor Penguin 1 - OK OK. Dolphin 1. I understand your point and accept your advice. I will also send my Royal Emperor Penguin GrandPaPa a congratulatory note. In fact I will not get one from LivingRoomMark, but instead will make one personally. Thank you for your advice. I guess I learnt a valuable lesson of politically correctness today. No matter how much I disagree with his plan, I must understand why he is doing it. Afterall he is the Royal Emperor Penguin GrandPaPa. I should give him the due respect and support.

Dolphin 1 - I am glad you can think that way. Let me know how many concubines your Royal Emperor Penguin GrandPaPa take it this time round. HA.

Emperor Penguin 1 - OK. I will. Thanx once again.....

Dolphin 1 hung up the phone and resumed his reminiscence of Miss Dolphin 7.....That is another story all together.

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