Thursday, September 22, 2005

What a life.....

Dolphin 1 was *swimming* *jumping* *spiraling* *twisting*, and he remembered his good friend Piggy 2. The last he spoke with Piggy 2 was through his waterproofed satellite phone and the latter was crying his hearts out due to some problems. Dolphin 1 had advised Piggy 2 to look for crazyjarjar to “borrow” a coconut tree to lean and relax. Dolphin 1 wondered if Piggy 2 managed to borrow the coconut tree, and if Piggy 2 is still relaxing at one of the coconut trees!

Dolphin 1 whisked up his waterproofed satellite phone and called Piggy 2, who picked up the phone almost immediately.

Dolphin 1: Hi Piggy 2, how are you?

Piggy 2: I am fine thank you?

Dolphin 1: Alamak, how come we sound so ‘formal” to each other. So you are fine ah. That’s nice to hear. So what have you been doing? Still leaning against a coconut tree?

Piggy 2: As a matter of fact I am leaning against a coconut tree, and relaxing too right now. But of course I have not been leaning here since last month lah. I came over here a few times and found that it was good. Crazyjarjar was kind enough to “lend” me this coconut tree indefinitely, as long as I needed it. Crazyjarjar said he has plenty of coconut trees to spare, so he wouldn’t mind lending me one tree, especially when you Dolphin 1 recommended me to him. So thanx a lot Dolphin 1.

Dolphin 1: Hey, nice to hear that you have been relaxing and have a permanent coconut tree, courtesy of crazyjarjar. Yah, that crazyjarjar is my great friend. He is a nice guy but sometimes a little crazy. So which coconut tree are you at now. Maybe you can give me your exact coordinates and I can use my satellite to look for you

Piggy 2: Wah, you are so advanced. Satellite some more? I am at 1 deg 10 min N 104 deg 30 min E. Look out for that coconut tree which is almost balding and slanting above the beach towards the sea.

Dolphin 1: Good spot leh. Somewhere on the northern coast of Bintan! Hey, you on holiday ah? So envious.

Piggy 2: No need to be envious. You can come visit me if you want. You can swim much faster than me. I am sure you can come over now if you want to.

Dolphin 1: Well, I am not too far away. Just had some tunas and so it might be good exercise for me to go meet you. See you in a short while.

Dolphin 1 swam, and with strong and swift strokes, he soon saw Piggy 2 really relaxing below a slanted coconut tree, with a glass of red wine and some peanuts! HA. Since when have pigs started to drink wine and eat peanuts? But then, since when do Dolphins have satellite phones? :p

Dolphin 1: *Shouting and Waving* Ooooi Piggy 2…….I am here!

Piggy 2: *sipping his wine and crunching a peanut* looked up and saw his good friend Dolphin 1. He was very happy to see Dolphin 1 *snort snort*

Dolphin 1: Hi Piggy 2. Nice to see you again. It has been quite a while. But I am glad to see that you are enjoying life now.

Piggy 2: Thanx to you Dolphin 1, I find time to relax and now I am feeling great. Amidst the hustle and bustle, we must really find time to relax leh.

Dolphin 1: Yeah, you are right. For me, I have lots of opportunities to travel round the whole world. I get enough exercises and can eat all the tuna I want. I also visit many interesting places like Alaska and New Zealand. Fun right?

Piggy 2: Yeah, good for you. Being able to relax here is good enough for me lah.

Dolphin 1: So, if I may ask, how is that problem of yours? Settled already?

Piggy 2: What problem? HA. No lah, there are many ways of handling a problem. It may not be the best way but I think it is appropriate for now. So I have put the matter aside and not let it affect me too much. After all, why do we want to bog ourselves down with so many problems all the time? If we adjust our expectations a little, things may become very different and reach a more acceptable level.

Dolphin 1: You are probably right. So you are putting the problem aside and not solving it directly?

Piggy 2: Could it be that putting a problem aside is actually one way of solving it? Ponder ponder.

Dolphin 1: Hmmm….hey, it is almost dusk. Lets not talk about your problem any more. Can I have a glass of red wine too?

Piggy 2: Sure, *takes wine glass and pour wine for Dolphin 1*. Cheers, and let us sit back, think of nothing except to enjoy the beautiful sunset and the wonderful red wine.

Dolphin 1 & Piggy 2: *sip sip red wine* *relax* *ummmm*......

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Some Flowers

Just to share some pictures of flowers taken during my Mt KK trip last month.

Rafflesia - World's Largest Flower (kind of ugly looking cos it is already in its 6th day - going to wither)

Ginger Flower

Not sure what flower this is....anyone has an idea?


Monday, September 19, 2005

Mid-Autumn Festival 2005

A bunch of us gathered to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival at Bishan Park last Saturday. It was a last minute decision to go there, instead of other darker places. The moon was shining brightly as we arrived. We set up "camp" at one open spot and started feasting on some of the mooncakes, fruits and yam that some of us brought along. It was a warm evening, with little wind, supposedly good for those parading with their lanterns.

We chatted, took photos and decided to play with our lanterns. We started lighting all the lanterns we had (more than 10 of them) and hung them on the tiny tree nearby. We ran out of space to hang and ended up hanging them on another tree. We had lanterns of different shapes, sizes and characters. There were a batman, bee, butterfly, seal, dinosaur, bunny etc.

The strange thing that night was that none of us actually walked around with the lanterns. If we did, I am sure it would have been nicer. Then some of them took out sparklers to play, and while snapping some pictures, we had some great ideas to take some nice pictures and ended up with these.

In between we were "attacked" by lots of supposedly mozzies. Quite a number of us suffered bites on our legs. I wonder why only our legs got the bites. Anyway, so far all of us seemed ok. No dengue. HA. We packed up at almost midnight and proceeded to a nearby Mac to chill out. We needed the aircon. Not a very exciting Mid-Autumn Festival I must say.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Running Dogfishes!

One wet day, Triggerfish was swimming and swimming and Clown Fish was also swimming and swimming but hurriedly. They nearly bumped into each other.

Triggerfish: Hey Clown, tell me a joke?

Clown Fish: Whoa, sorry Trigger. No time, no time. Shhhh, don't tell anyone that I am here. I sense that someone has been tailing me for the past few weeks.

Triggerfish: What are you talking about? Someone tailing you? Someone with legs or what?

Clown Fish: No lah, not someone with legs, but something white white in colour.

Triggerfish: White? As in the FIWs?

Clown Fish: Shhhh, not so loud. I do not know lah. What is FIWs? But I think it is the dogfish lah.

Triggerfish: Aiyoh Clown, FIWs are *whisper* !!@#$%^&*() Got that? But dogfishes are not white what. They are usually brownish and spotted. Oh yah, their bellies are white! You mean now they are walking on their tails while tailing you? Wow!

Clown Fish: Not sure lah. Very scary leh. I wonder what they are up to? Of all fishes, why me? I am such a cute clown fish, except that I don't tell jokes or work in the circus.

Triggerfish: Maybe it must have been something you said or did recently? Did you anyhow say things or not?

Clown Fish: No lah, I didn't say or do anything to deserve this what. But......oh, maybe that day....aiyah.....

Triggerfish: What what? What that day? What did you do?

Clown Fish: Stupid me lah, that day I commented that dogfishes are not allowed in our underwater pub because dogfishes drool, and they smell bad. Stupid right?

Triggerfish: Aiyoh, why you so clown? Eh, you are a clown what. But why you say such things openly? You know the dogfishes will surely take revenge. Now you are dead meat.

Clown Fish: Aiyoh, don't scare me. You always like to scare fishes.

Triggerfish: Yah yah yah....wait.........I sense something is coming. Sheesh....I see shimmering white in the distance, and it is walking towards us. Quick, hide behind me.

Clown Fish: *Trembling in fear* Don't tell me the dogfishes are here.

Triggerfish: I see them now. The dogfishes are here, and they are really walking on their tails. What is the world coming to? Sheesh, they are running towards us. They can even run too. Oh no, running dogfishes! I think I also better scram from here.

Clown Fish: Hey Trigger, wait for me........

The scream of Clown Fish was cut short and turning back, Trigger saw that Clown was no more, short of the 6 floating parts of his dismembered tiny body. *sob sob*

Watch out fishes. The dogfishes (that run) are here!

I wonder

I have not blogged for quite a while. Since I came back from KK trip, which followed immediately with my national service, I have been feeling a little "lethargic" to blog. But I have been keeping up with other forums and news though. Now comes two bloggers being charged for sedition, over some supposedly racist remarks in their blogs and other forums. What is the blogging scene going to be like in Singapore? I wonder........

Thursday, September 01, 2005

National Service finally over!

HA. I have finally completed my national service today, after a "gruelling" 2 weeks. Totally drained out. *yawn* Now I need to get myself back to office mode. HA. I was told I have completed all my high-key in-camp trainings and am unlikely to be called up for any more next year. Hmmm, not sure if I should be happy about that or not......